Seismic traces recorded by station MZ01
Seismic traces in binary MiniSeed format recorded by the station MZ01. The daily records are separated in folders representing the channels: EHE.D, EHN.D, EHZ.D for the...
Dataless files of network 3A
This DATALESS folder contains the dataless files of each station belonging to network 3A. Each dataless file contains a complete and comprehensive history of metadata for the...
Integrated Water Vapor at the Thule High Arctic Atmospheric Observatory (THAA...
Measurements of integrated water vapor (IWV or PWV) at the Thule High Arctic Atmospheric Observatory (THAAO) carried out by means of a microwave spectrometer (VESPA-22) designed...
Meteorological data at the Thule High Arctic Atmospheric Observatory (THAAO_Met)
Measurements of Pressure (P, in kPa), Temperature (T, in °C), and Relative Humidity (RH, in %) carried out by means of a Campbell meteorological station installed at the Thule...
Seismic noise recorded at Solfatara Volcano in April 2007
Seismic noise recorded during a seismic survey carried out at Solfatara Volcano in the period 2-6 April 2007. Five circular seismic arrays were deployed inside the crater; an...
ADCP dataset (RDI WorkHorse 300 kHz @ 1 profile / hour) from INGV/GEOSTAR sea...
ADCP velocity profiles were obtained with 3m vertical resolution through a 300 kHz Workhorse ADCP unit mounted in a upward looking configuration on one side of the GEOSTAR...
CTD dataset (SBE 37-SM @ 1 sample / 12 min) from INGV/NEMO-SN1 seafloor platf...
The dataset contains sea bottom Conductivity, Temperature and Pressure data (about 1 m above the bottom) acquired through a SBE 37-SM installed on SN-1 station.
Catalogo Strumentale dei Terremoti Italiani dal 1981 al 1996 (CSTI), versione...
The CSTI catalog was created at the end of the GNDT 98 project (https://emidius.mi.ingv.it/GNDT/). It collects all the material produced within the activities of the sub-project...
INSTANCE Events Metadata, version 1
This dataset collects seismic event waveforms metadata and is part of INSTANCE. INSTANCE is a data collection of more than 1.3 million seismic waveforms originating from a...
INSTANCE Noise Metadata, version 1
This dataset collects seismic noise waveforms metadata and it is part of INSTANCE. INSTANCE is a data collection of more than 1.3 million seismic waveforms originating from a...
INSTANCE Ground Motion Dataset, version 1
This dataset collects seismic waveforms in ground motion units and it is part of INSTANCE. INSTANCE is a data collection of more than 1.3 million seismic waveforms originating...
INSTANCE Noise Dataset, version 1
This dataset collects seismic noise waveforms and it is part of INSTANCE. INSTANCE is a data collection of more than 1.3 million seismic waveforms originating from a selection...
ReSIICOphs. Database of the Central Eastern Italy Seismometric Network: phases
The ReSIICOphs database collects local earthquake P and S phases deriving from automatic procedures and human review practices. Arrival times are relative to seismic station...
ReSIICOeqs. Database of the Central Eastern Italy Seismometric Network: locat...
ReSIICOeqs collects locations of local earthquakes obtained by automaticand manual procedures in the analysis of the seismicity of Central-Eastern Italy.
CTD dataset (SBE 37-SM @ 1 sample / hour) from INGV/NEMO-SN1 seafloor platfor...
The dataset contains sea bottom Conductivity, Temperature and Pressure data (about 1 m above the bottom) acquired through a SBE 37-SM installed on SN-1 station.
INSTANCE The Italian Seismic Dataset For Machine Learning
INSTANCE is a data collection of more than 1.3 million seismic waveforms originating from a selection of about 54,000 earthquakes occurred since 2005 in Italy and surrounding...
RETRACE-3D Central Italy Geological Model
Three-dimensional geological model of the area of the central Apennines affected by the 2016-2018 seismic sequence. The model consists of stratigraphic surfaces (top or basal...
High resolution climatologies of temperature and salinity of the North Adriat...
The EMODNET_NADR_CLIM_TS_V1 product contains Temperature and Salinity climatological fields for the Northern Adriatic Sea. Monthly and seasonal fields are released for periods...
Mt. Etna Revised Seismic Catalog from 2020 (EtnaRSC2020)
The Etnean instrumental catalogue collects all the earthquakes recorded by the Permanent Seismic Network of the INGV-OE as of January 1, 2020. The earthquakes listed have been...
Intensity-ground motion dataset for Italy (INGe), version 2.0
An updated and homogeneous earthquake data set for Italy compiled by joining the Italian Macroseismic Database DBMI15 and the Engineering Strong-Motion (ESM) accelerometric data...
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