@prefix adms: . @prefix dcat: . @prefix dcatapit: . @prefix dct: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix gsp: . @prefix locn: . @prefix owl: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix schema: . @prefix skos: . @prefix spdx: . @prefix time: . @prefix vcard: . @prefix xml: . @prefix xsd: . a dcatapit:Dataset, dcat:Dataset ; dct:accrualPeriodicity ; dct:creator [ a dcatapit:Agent, foaf:Agent ; dct:identifier "https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8872-8917#2904" ; foaf:name "DI IORIO Tatiana [Agenzia Nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l’energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile (ENEA), Italy]"@en, "DI IORIO Tatiana [Agenzia Nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l’energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile (ENEA), Italy]"@it ], [ a dcatapit:Agent, foaf:Agent ; dct:identifier "https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6326-2612#205" ; foaf:name "MUSCARI Giovanni [Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Italy]"@en, "MUSCARI Giovanni [Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Italy]"@it ], [ a dcatapit:Agent, foaf:Agent ; dct:identifier "https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5010-4807#2906" ; foaf:name "IACCARINO Antonio [Agenzia Nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l’energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile (ENEA), Italy]"@en, "IACCARINO Antonio [Agenzia Nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l’energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile (ENEA), Italy]"@it ], [ a dcatapit:Agent, foaf:Agent ; dct:identifier "https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2405-2898#2901" ; foaf:name "DI SARRA Alcide [Agenzia Nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l’energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile (ENEA), Italy]"@en, "DI SARRA Alcide [Agenzia Nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l’energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile (ENEA), Italy]"@it ], [ a dcatapit:Agent, foaf:Agent ; dct:identifier "https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3208-6756#2903" ; foaf:name "PACE Giandomenico [Agenzia Nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l’energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile (ENEA), Italy]"@en, "PACE Giandomenico [Agenzia Nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l’energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile (ENEA), Italy]"@it ], [ a dcatapit:Agent, foaf:Agent ; dct:identifier "https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2171-1296#2902" ; foaf:name "MELONI Daniela [Agenzia Nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l’energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile (ENEA), Italy]"@en, "MELONI Daniela [Agenzia Nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l’energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile (ENEA), Italy]"@it ], [ a dcatapit:Agent, foaf:Agent ; dct:identifier "https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5557-1626#2905" ; foaf:name "CALì QUAGLIA Filippo [Ca' Foscari University of Venice (UniVE), Italy]"@en, "CALì QUAGLIA Filippo [Ca' Foscari University of Venice (UniVE), Italy]"@it ] ; dct:description """Measurements of downward shortwave (SW) and longwave (LW) irradiance are collected by Kipp&Zonen CMP21 pyranometer and CGR4 pyrgeometer, respectively, installed on the roof of building 1971. Both sensors are ventilated to prevent ice formation on their domes. Data are recorded at 1 minute time step. Corrections are applied to measurements in order to take into account the dependance of the radiometers’ sensitivity on temperature and the change in time. The small pyranometer's thermal offset is also corrected.\r Approximately 100 m away from the building, Eppley pyranometer and pyrgeometer are installed facing the surface at about 2.3 m agl to measure upward SW and LW irradiance, respectively. These radiometers are not ventilated. Irradiances, as well as the radiometers’ tilt with respect to the horizontal, are collected at time steps of 30 seconds.\r The production of these data sets is also funded by the Environment Department of INGV through the MACMAP project.""" ; dct:identifier "10.13127/thaao/dli_macmap" ; dct:issued "2021-01-01T00:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; dct:language ; dct:modified "2022-10-21T00:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; dct:publisher [ a dcatapit:Agent, foaf:Agent ; dct:identifier "N/A" ; foaf:name "Agenzia Nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l’energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile (ENEA)"@it ] ; dct:rightsHolder [ a dcatapit:Agent, foaf:Agent ; dct:identifier "ingv" ; foaf:name "Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia"@it ] ; dct:spatial [ a dct:Location ; locn:geometry "MULTIPOINT ((-68.8000 76.5000))"^^gsp:wktLiteral, "{\"type\": \"MultiPoint\",\"coordinates\": [[-68.8,76.5]]}"^^ ] ; dct:temporal [ a dct:PeriodOfTime ; schema:endDate "2023-01-10T00:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:startDate "2020-01-10T00:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ] ; dct:title "Downward Longwave Irradiance at the Thule High Arctic Atmospheric Observatory during MACMAP (THAAO_DLI_MACMAP)" ; adms:identifier [ dct:creator [ a dcatapit:Agent, foaf:Agent ; foaf:name "INGV"@en, "INGV"@it ] ; skos:notation "ingv_485" ] ; dcat:contactPoint ; dcat:keyword "ambiente" ; dcat:landingPage ; dcat:theme . a skos:Concept ; skos:prefLabel "Wissenschaft und Technologie"@de, "Science and technology"@en, "Ciencia y tecnología"@es, "Science et technologie"@fr, "Scienza e tecnologia"@it . a dcatapit:Organization, vcard:Kind, vcard:Organization, foaf:Organization ; vcard:fn "ingv" ; vcard:hasEmail ; vcard:hasTelephone "" ; vcard:hasURL "http://www.ingv.it/it/" ; foaf:name "Agenzia Nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l’energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile (ENEA)" .