@prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix schema: . @prefix xml: . @prefix xsd: . a schema:Dataset ; schema:about [ a schema:Thing ; schema:name "322" ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it/person/322" ], [ a schema:Thing ; schema:name "501" ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it/person/501" ], [ a schema:Thing ; schema:name "283" ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it/person/283" ], [ a schema:Thing ; schema:name "352" ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it/person/352" ], [ a schema:Thing ; schema:name "281" ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it/person/281" ], [ a schema:Thing ; schema:name "277" ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it/person/277" ], [ a schema:Thing ; schema:name "276" ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it/person/276" ], [ a schema:Thing ; schema:name "527" ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it/person/527" ], [ a schema:Thing ; schema:name "1089" ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it/person/1089" ], [ a schema:Thing ; schema:name "scienza" ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it/person/scienza" ], [ a schema:Thing ; schema:name "274" ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it/person/274" ], [ a schema:Thing ; schema:name "2475" ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it/person/2475" ], [ a schema:Thing ; schema:name "609" ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it/person/609" ], [ a schema:Thing ; schema:name "746" ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it/person/746" ], [ a schema:Thing ; schema:name "607" ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it/person/607" ], [ a schema:Thing ; schema:name "286" ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it/person/286" ], [ a schema:Thing ; schema:name "470" ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it/person/470" ], [ a schema:Thing ; schema:name "1069" ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it/person/1069" ], [ a schema:Thing ; schema:name "304" ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it/person/304" ], [ a schema:Thing ; schema:name "320" ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it/person/320" ], [ a schema:Thing ; schema:name "289" ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it/person/289" ], [ a schema:Thing ; schema:name "652" ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it/person/652" ] ; schema:dateModified "14-01-2021", "2021-01-14T00:00:00" ; schema:datePublished "01-01-2017", "2017-01-01T00:00:00" ; schema:description """On 21 August 2017 at 18:57:51 UTC an earthquake with magnitude Mw 3.9 occurred in Ischia Island (http://terremoti.ingv.it/event/16796811). The seismologists on duty in the 24H seismic monitoring room of the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) located the event in the province of Napoli, near Casamicciola Terme and at a preliminary depth of 2 km.\r Following the events and the associated aftershock sequence, the SISMIKO Operational Group was activated for the installation of temporary seismic stations to integrate the permanent stations of the National Seismic Network deployed in the region.""" ; schema:identifier "10.13127/sd/u0j8hsaevf" ; schema:inLanguage "ITA" ; schema:includedInDataCatalog [ a schema:DataCatalog ; schema:description "Portale dei dati aperti Open Data Portal" ; schema:name "ISTITUTO NAZIONALE DI GEOFISICA E VULCANOLOGIA" ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it" ] ; schema:keywords "terremoti" ; schema:license "http://www.opendefinition.org/licenses/cc-by" ; schema:name "Seismic Data acquired by the SISMIKO Emergency Group - Ischia-Italy 2017 - T13" ; schema:publisher ; schema:spatialCoverage [ a schema:Place ; schema:geo [ a schema:GeoShape ; schema:polygon "{\"type\": \"MultiPoint\",\"coordinates\": [[13.8789,40.7567],[13.91,40.7346],[13.9135,40.7455],[13.8905,40.7426],[13.9181,40.7014],[13.9046,40.7373],[13.8952,40.7435],[13.9161,40.7109]]}" ] ] ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it/dataset/410" . a schema:Organization ; schema:contactPoint [ a schema:ContactPoint ; schema:contactType "customer service" ; schema:name "Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)" ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it" ] ; schema:name "Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)" .