@prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix schema: . @prefix xml: . @prefix xsd: . a schema:Dataset ; schema:about [ a schema:Thing ; schema:name "949" ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it/person/949" ], [ a schema:Thing ; schema:name "893" ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it/person/893" ], [ a schema:Thing ; schema:name "scienza" ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it/person/scienza" ], [ a schema:Thing ; schema:name "567" ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it/person/567" ], [ a schema:Thing ; schema:name "946" ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it/person/946" ] ; schema:dateModified "18-05-2022", "2022-05-18T00:00:00" ; schema:datePublished "01-01-2020", "2020-01-01T00:00:00" ; schema:description "Groundwater chemical-physical data in the drainage gallery (Ciapparazzo gallery – Bronte, CT) located northwest of the Etna volcano (Jul 2011-Dec 2018), belonging to the Etna geochemical surveillance network of the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV). Data have been acquired by a water station equipped with multiparameter sensors. Dissolved CO2 (CO2c) has been re-calculated by mean of an algorithm (De Gregorio et al. 2011) using the raw data (CO2_0 and CO2_1)." ; schema:identifier "10.26022/IEDA/111514" ; schema:inLanguage "ITA" ; schema:includedInDataCatalog [ a schema:DataCatalog ; schema:description "Portale dei dati aperti Open Data Portal" ; schema:name "ISTITUTO NAZIONALE DI GEOFISICA E VULCANOLOGIA" ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it" ] ; schema:keywords "vulcani" ; schema:license "http://www.opendefinition.org/licenses/cc-by" ; schema:name "Chemical-physical and dissolved gases in Etnean groundwater: data from Ciapparazzo drainage gallery (Bronte - CT)" ; schema:publisher ; schema:spatialCoverage [ a schema:Place ; schema:geo [ a schema:GeoShape ; schema:polygon "{\"type\": \"MultiPoint\",\"coordinates\": [[14.8431,37.7697]]}" ] ] ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it/dataset/429" . a schema:Organization ; schema:contactPoint [ a schema:ContactPoint ; schema:contactType "customer service" ; schema:name "Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA)" ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it" ] ; schema:name "Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA)" .