@prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix schema: . @prefix xml: . @prefix xsd: . a schema:Dataset ; schema:about [ a schema:Thing ; schema:name "693" ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it/person/693" ], [ a schema:Thing ; schema:name "scienza" ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it/person/scienza" ], [ a schema:Thing ; schema:name "551" ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it/person/551" ], [ a schema:Thing ; schema:name "440" ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it/person/440" ] ; schema:dateModified "2019-10-31T00:00:00", "31-10-2019" ; schema:datePublished "01-01-2008", "2008-01-01T00:00:00" ; schema:description "ShakeMaps is a web page that provides near-time maps of ground shaking for M >= 3.0 earthquakes in Italy and neighbouring areas. The maps are available for the macroseismic intensity and 5 peak ground motions of engineering relevance (PGA, PGV, PSA0.3s, PSA1.0s, PSA3.0s). These maps are open to public access, and available in different formats as jpg, ps, XML and shapefiles. They are used by the Civil Protection Agency for post-earthquake response and recovery and preparedness exercises, and by public or private local organizations to retrive information about the impact of the earthquakes." ; schema:identifier "10.13127/shakemaps" ; schema:inLanguage "ITA" ; schema:includedInDataCatalog [ a schema:DataCatalog ; schema:description "Portale dei dati aperti Open Data Portal" ; schema:name "ISTITUTO NAZIONALE DI GEOFISICA E VULCANOLOGIA" ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it" ] ; schema:keywords "terremoti" ; schema:license "http://www.opendefinition.org/licenses/cc-by" ; schema:name "ShakeMaps" ; schema:publisher ; schema:spatialCoverage [ a schema:Place ; schema:geo [ a schema:GeoShape ; schema:polygon "{\"type\": \"MultiPolygon\",\"coordinates\": [[[ [6,48], [21,48], [21,35], [6,35], [6,48] ]]]}" ] ] ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it/dataset/58" . a schema:Organization ; schema:contactPoint [ a schema:ContactPoint ; schema:contactType "customer service" ; schema:name "Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)" ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it" ] ; schema:name "Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)" .