@prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix schema: . @prefix xml: . @prefix xsd: . a schema:Dataset ; schema:about [ a schema:Thing ; schema:name "398" ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it/person/398" ], [ a schema:Thing ; schema:name "scienza" ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it/person/scienza" ], [ a schema:Thing ; schema:name "609" ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it/person/609" ], [ a schema:Thing ; schema:name "540" ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it/person/540" ], [ a schema:Thing ; schema:name "430" ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it/person/430" ], [ a schema:Thing ; schema:name "784" ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it/person/784" ], [ a schema:Thing ; schema:name "820" ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it/person/820" ], [ a schema:Thing ; schema:name "564" ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it/person/564" ], [ a schema:Thing ; schema:name "527" ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it/person/527" ], [ a schema:Thing ; schema:name "565" ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it/person/565" ] ; schema:dateModified "2023-05-26T00:00:00", "26-05-2023" ; schema:datePublished "01-01-2023", "2023-01-01T00:00:00" ; schema:description """The Val d’Agri temporary seismic network is installed in the Southern Apennines seismic belt (Italy), which is one of regions in Italy with the highest seismogenic potential, as evidenced by the large 1857 M7 historical earthquakes. Also, the area hosts one of  the most important on-shore European oil field. The survey area is about 1600 km2 covering the Val d’Agri basin, the Monti della Maddalena ridge, the southern sector of the Vallo di Diano basin and the Monte Alpi massif. The network operated in continuous-mode for 13 months between\r May 2005 and June 2006, and it is composed of 22 continuously recording seismic stations equipped with different digital acquisition systems (Reftek130 and Marslite88) and three-component short period sensors (LE-3D/1S e LE-3D/5S). """ ; schema:identifier "10.13127/sd/f705_maix3" ; schema:inLanguage "ITA" ; schema:includedInDataCatalog [ a schema:DataCatalog ; schema:description "Portale dei dati aperti Open Data Portal" ; schema:name "ISTITUTO NAZIONALE DI GEOFISICA E VULCANOLOGIA" ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it" ] ; schema:keywords "terremoti" ; schema:license "http://www.opendefinition.org/licenses/cc-by" ; schema:name "Seismic data acquired during the Val d'Agri temporary survey" ; schema:publisher ; schema:spatialCoverage [ a schema:Place ; schema:geo [ a schema:GeoShape ; schema:polygon "{\"type\": \"MultiPoint\",\"coordinates\": [[15.8161,40.2921],[15.6994,40.238],[15.9261,40.4068],[15.8557,40.3609],[15.743,40.3013],[15.728,40.4521],[15.709,40.3673],[15.8664,40.1835],[15.9581,40.2404],[16.0661,40.2892],[15.9516,40.3332],[15.7756,40.4127],[15.8019,40.325],[15.9177,40.2268],[15.9752,40.148],[15.5628,40.2988],[15.8773,40.2777],[15.8763,40.1139],[15.9443,40.1499],[15.7762,40.4183],[15.5628,40.2988]]}" ] ] ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it/dataset/915" . a schema:Organization ; schema:contactPoint [ a schema:ContactPoint ; schema:contactType "customer service" ; schema:name "Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)" ; schema:url "https://data.ingv.it" ] ; schema:name "Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)" .