Beach Balls in central-eastern Italy
The dataset contains the focal mechanisms derived from the waveform polarities recorded by RESiICO (Rete Sismometrica Integrata dell'Italia Centro Orientale-Central-eastern...
CICO1d: Central-Eastern Italian earthquake parametric catalogue
the Central-Eastern Italian earthquake parametric catalogue (CICO1d) contains 15598 localizations calculated for a wide national area, starting from the data recorded in the...
Caratterizzazione Stazioni Sismiche dell'Italia Centro Orientale (CarSSICO)
CARSSICO is the portal where the information useful to characterize the Seismometric Stations of Central-Eastern Italy is collected, managed by the Ancona branch of the National...
Catalogo Strumentale dei Terremoti Italiani dal 1981 al 1996 (CSTI), versione...
The CSTI catalog was created at the end of the GNDT 98 project ( It collects all the material produced within the activities of the sub-project...
NTSEQS: catalogue of non-tectonic earthquakes in Central-Eastern Italy, versi...
Quarry explosions and other non-tectonic seismic signals can contaminate seismic catalogues, especially in areas where dense seismic networks allow to detect low energy events....
NTSEQS: catalogue of non-tectonic earthquakes in Central-Eastern Italy, versi...
Quarry explosions and other non-tectonic seismic signals can contaminate seismic catalogues, especially in areas where dense seismic networks allow to detect low energy events....
ReSIICOeqs. Database of the Central Eastern Italy Seismometric Network: locat...
ReSIICOeqs collects locations of local earthquakes obtained by automaticand manual procedures in the analysis of the seismicity of Central-Eastern Italy.
ReSIICOphs. Database of the Central Eastern Italy Seismometric Network: phases
The ReSIICOphs database collects local earthquake P and S phases deriving from automatic procedures and human review practices. Arrival times are relative to seismic station...
Seismic Data acquired by INGV Emergency Group - FERMO MACERATA-Italy - 2010 -...
From 10 to 12 January 2010, the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) recorded 3 earthquakes with magnitude ML>4.0 in an area between the provinces of...
Seismic Data acquired by Marche Seismic Network (MSN)
The Marche Seismic Network include seismic stations installed in the Marche Region (Italy) for regional monitoring. The scope of the network is monitoring the earthquakes in...
Seismic Data acquired by the INGV Emergency Group - Emilia-Italy 2012 - T08
Following the significant seismic sequence that affected the Po Valley starting from the night of May 20, 2012, the Seismic Emergency Response of the Istituto Nazionale di...
Seismic Data acquired by the INGV Emergency Group - L'Aquila-Italy 2009 - T01
On 6 April 2009 at 01:32:40 UTC an earthquake of Mw 6.3 struck the Abruzzo region (central Italy, coordinates: latitude 42.3420° N, longitude 13.380° E, depth 8 Km), causing...
Seismic Data acquired by the SISMIKO Emergency Group - Central Italy 2016 - T12
At 01:36 UTC (03:36 local time) on August 24th 2016, an earthquake Mw 6.0 struck an extensive sector of the central Apennines (coordinates: latitude 42.70° N, longitude 13.23°...