ADCP dataset (RDI WorkHorse 600 KHz @ 2 profile / hour) from INGV/NEMO-SN1 se...
The Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler measures the water velocity using the physical Doppler shift principle. The transducer generates a pulse of sound at a known frequency that...
CTD dataset (SBE 16plus @ 1 sample / hour) from INGV/GEOSTAR seafloor platfor...
The dataset contains sea bottom Conductivity, Temperature and Pressure data (about 1 m above the bottom) acquired through a SBE 16 plus installed on GEOSTAR station. The...
Current meter dataset (Nobska MAVS-3 @ 2 Hz) from INGV/NEMO-SN1 seafloor plat...
This sensor performs water current measures in a three axial reference system. Flow velocity and direction is measured by observing the time-of-arrival difference of sound along...
Multidisciplinary Oceanic Information SysTem (MOIST)
MOIST has been the contribution of INGV to the data dissemination within the ESONET NoE EC project (2007-2011) and is the web interface for the management of the seafloor marine...