CCT-CI: Source parameters derived by the Coda Calibration Tool (CCT) in Centr...
CCT-CI contains source parameters and moment rate spectra derived by the CCT (Coda Calibration Tool) application using the coda calibration described in Morasca et al (2022) for...
CI-GIT_Spe: dataset of apparent source spectra for the events included in the...
apparent source spectra for the selected events included in the GIT dataset used by Morasca et al. 2022 for the inversion. The CI-GIT-Spe is distributed as a .zip file,...
Spectral decomposition results for the SCEC-Community Stress Drop Validation ...
The Community Stress Drop Validation Study has been organized as a technical activity group (TAG) of SCEC (Southern California Earthquake Center) with the aim of investigating...
CI-FAS_Flatfile: Parametric table of the Fourier Amplitude Spectra ordinates ...
The flatfile contains the parametric table of the recordings in Fourier Amplitude Spectra (FAS) for the shallow active crustal events in Central Italy (2009-2018).
CI-SA_Flatfile: Parametric table of the 5% Acceleration response Spectra ordi...
The flatfile contains the parametric table of the 5% Acceleration response Spectra ordinates and associated metadata for the shallow active crustal events in Central Italy...
CI-FAS_GIT: Seismological parameters and amplification functions derived by t...
Seismological parameters derived from modeling of the outcomes of a non parametric GIT inversion (Generalized Inversion Technique) applied on the Central Italy dataset and...
CI-FAS_GMM: Ground Motion Model of the Fourier Amplitude Spectrum ordinates f...
Ground Motion Model of the Fourier Amplitude Spectrum ordinates for the shallow active crustal events in Central Italy
Catalogo Strumentale dei Terremoti Italiani dal 1981 al 1996 (CSTI), versione...
The CSTI catalog was created at the end of the GNDT 98 project ( It collects all the material produced within the activities of the sub-project...