LO BASCIO Domenico
Cataloghi sismici dei vulcani campani. Stazione BKE Vesuvio dal 1999 al 2021 ...
Vesuvius BKE station list of earthquakes from 1999 to 2021 with date, time and magnitude. The catalog is periodically updated by the analysts of the Seismology Laboratory.
GOSSIP - Database Sismologico Pubblico INGV-Osservatorio Vesuviano
The dataset contains localization parameters and duration magnitude values for seismic events which occur in areas of competence of Osservatorio Vesuviano- INGV (estremi...
The Seismicity of Ischia Island, Italy: An Integrated Earthquake Catalogue Fr...
A review and systematically re-analysis of all the available data on the historical and instrumental seismicity has be performed to build an integrated earthquake catalog for...