Seismic Data acquired by FocusX temporary land-network (FXland), Southern Italy
In the frame of FocusX project INGV and UNiCal are deploying, from the end of 2021 to January 2023 a temporary seismic network for an active/passive seismological experiment to...
Seismic Data acquired by Monte Cotugno Reservoir Seismic Experiment
The network is composed of 6 temporary seismic stations around the artificial reservoir of Monte Cotugno (Basilicata, Italy) that integrate the regional permanent network of the...
Seismic noise recorded at Bagnolifutura area (Campi Flegrei) in 2012
In 2012 two seismic surveys were carried out in the area of Bagnolifutura (Campi Flegrei, Naples), with the aim of characterizing the properties of the seismic noise. During the...