ITACAs2s flatfile 2.0: table of empirical amplification functions of the Ital...
The ITACAs2s flat-file is a parametric table containing the repeatable site terms δS2S (Al-Atik et al., 2010) and the associated variabilities, evaluated with respect to the...
ITACAext flatfiles: parametric tables of metadata and strong motion intensity...
The ITACAext flat-files are parametric tables containing metadata and intensity measures of manually processed waveforms, relevant for the analysis of the ground-motion in...
ITACAext flatfile: parametric table of metadata and strong motion intensity m...
The ITACAext flat-file is a parametric table containing metadata and intensity measures of manually processed waveforms, relevant for the analysis of the ground-motion in Italy....
SISMI_dataset: passive and active seismic data acquired in the Milan metropo...
The dataset contains passive (single-station and ambient-vibration array measurements) and active (multichannel analyses of surface waves) seismic data acquired in the Milan...
Rete sismica del gruppo EMERSITO, sequenza sismica del 2016 in Italia Centrale
The EMERSITO seismic networks are devoted to site effect studies in different municipalities of Central Italy affected by the Mw 6.0 Amatrice earthquake (24/08/2016) and the...
ITalian ACcelerometric Archive (ITACA), version 4.0
ITACA is the ITalian ACcelerometric Archive of waveforms recorded by the National Accelerometric Network (RAN, Rete Accelerometrica Nazionale), operated by the Italian Civil...
Engineering Strong Motion Database (ESM), version 2.0
ESM, the Engineering Strong-Motion Database, provides a set of facilities to search, select, download and analyse ground-motion data and associated metadata. The waveforms...
CI-FAS_Flatfile: Parametric table of the Fourier Amplitude Spectra ordinates ...
The flatfile contains the parametric table of the recordings in Fourier Amplitude Spectra (FAS) for the shallow active crustal events in Central Italy (2009-2018).
CI-SA_Flatfile: Parametric table of the 5% Acceleration response Spectra ordi...
The flatfile contains the parametric table of the 5% Acceleration response Spectra ordinates and associated metadata for the shallow active crustal events in Central Italy...
Parametric table of the ITA18 GMM for PGA, PGV and Spectral Acceleration ordi...
The ITA18 flatfile is a parametric table which contains verified and reliable metadata and intensity measures of manually processed waveforms used to derive the ITA18 ground...
Engineering Strong Motion Database (ESM), version 1.0
The Engineering Strong-Motion database (ESM) has been developed in the framework of the European Project NERA (Network of European Research Infrastructures for Earthquake Risk...
Engineering Strong Motion Database (ESM) flatfile
The Engineering Strong-Motion (ESM) flatfile is a parametric table which contains veri- fied and reliable metadata and intensity measures of manually processed waveforms...
ITalian ACcelerometric Archive (ITACA), version 3.2
ITACA is the ITalian ACcelerometric Archive of waveforms recorded by the National Accelerometric Network (RAN, Rete Accelerometrica Nazionale), operated by the Italian Civil...
ITACAs2s flatfile: table of site response spectral curves of the Italian reco...
The ITACAs2s flat-file is a parametric table containing the repeatable site terms δS2S (Al-Atik et al., 2010) and the associated variabilities, evaluated with respect to the...
Metadata record for: Temporary dense seismic network during the 2016 Central ...
This dataset contains key characteristics about the data described in the Data Descriptor Temporary dense seismic network during the 2016 Central Italy seismic emergency for...
Earthquake catalogue of the network 3A
Catalogue of the earthquakes of magnitude larger than 3.0 and distance less than 30km from Amatrice (Latitude 42.63, Longitude 13.29) recorded by the network 3A during the...
Seismic traces recorded by station MZ30
Seismic traces in binary MiniSeed format recorded by station MZ30. The daily records are separated in folders representing the channels: EHE.D, EHN.D, EHZ.D for the velocimetric...
Seismic traces recorded by station MZ29
Seismic traces in binary MiniSeed format recorded by station MZ29. The daily records are separated in folders representing the channels: EHE.D, EHN.D, EHZ.D for the velocimetric...
Seismic traces recorded by station MZ28
Seismic traces in binary MiniSeed format recorded by station MZ28. The daily records are separated in folders representing the channels: EHE.D, EHN.D, EHZ.D for the velocimetric...
Seismic traces recorded by station MZ27
Seismic traces in binary MiniSeed format recorded by station MZ27. The daily records are separated in folders representing the channels: EHE.D, EHN.D, EHZ.D for the velocimetric...