PACOR Francesca
NESK_Fucino1915: Nonergodic Empirical Shaking Scenario for the M6.7 1915 Fuci...
Table of the horizontal shaking parameters obtained from the nonergodic empirical approach of the Fucino 1915 earthquake described in Sgobba e Pacor (2023).
NEar-Source Strong-motion flatfile (NESS), version 1.0
The Near-source strong-moton flatfile (named NESS) is a parametric table related to worldwide earthquakes containing high-quality metadata and intensity measures (IMs) of...
NEar-Source Strong-motion flatfile (NESS), version 2.0
The Near-source strong-moton flatfile (named NESS), version 2.0 is a parametric table related to worldwide earthquakes containing high-quality metadata and intensity measures...
NEar-Source Strong-motion flatfile from eBASCO (NESS-eBASCO), version 2.0
Near-source strong-moton flatfile SD (called NESS-Sdebasco) is a parametric table related to world earthquakes containing high-quality metadata and intensity measures (IMs)...
Parametric table of the ITA18 GMM for PGA, PGV and Spectral Acceleration ordi...
The ITA18 flatfile is a parametric table which contains verified and reliable metadata and intensity measures of manually processed waveforms used to derive the ITA18 ground...
Rete del Centro di Microzonazione Sismica (CentroMZ), sequenza sismica del 20...
This seismic network is devoted to site effect studies in the municipalities of Amatrice and Accumoli (Central Italy) affected by the Mw 6.0 Amatrice earthquake (24/08/2016) and...
Seismic traces recorded by station MZ01
Seismic traces in binary MiniSeed format recorded by the station MZ01. The daily records are separated in folders representing the channels: EHE.D, EHN.D, EHZ.D for the...
Seismic traces recorded by station MZ02
Seismic traces in binary MiniSeed format recorded by station MZ02. The daily records are separated in folders representing the channels: EHE.D, EHN.D, EHZ.D for the velocimetric...
Seismic traces recorded by station MZ03
Seismic traces in binary MiniSeed format recorded by station MZ03. The daily records are separated in folders representing the channels: EHE.D, EHN.D, EHZ.D for the velocimetric...
Seismic traces recorded by station MZ04
Seismic traces in binary MiniSeed format recorded by station MZ04. The daily records are separated in folders representing the channels: EHE.D, EHN.D, EHZ.D for the velocimetric...
Seismic traces recorded by station MZ05
Seismic traces in binary MiniSeed format recorded by station MZ05. The daily records are separated in folders representing the channels: EHE.D, EHN.D, EHZ.D for the velocimetric...
Seismic traces recorded by station MZ06
Seismic traces in binary MiniSeed format recorded by station MZ06. The daily records are separated in folders representing the channels: EHE.D, EHN.D, EHZ.D for the velocimetric...
Seismic traces recorded by station MZ07
Seismic traces in binary MiniSeed format recorded by station MZ07. The daily records are separated in folders representing the channels: EHE.D, EHN.D, EHZ.D for the velocimetric...
Seismic traces recorded by station MZ08
Seismic traces in binary MiniSeed format recorded by station MZ08. The daily records are separated in folders representing the channels: EHE.D, EHN.D, EHZ.D for the velocimetric...
Seismic traces recorded by station MZ09
Seismic traces in binary MiniSeed format recorded by station MZ09. The daily records are separated in folders representing the channels: EHE.D, EHN.D, EHZ.D for the velocimetric...
Seismic traces recorded by station MZ095
Seismic traces in binary MiniSeed format recorded by station MZ095. The daily records are separated in folders representing the channels: EHE.D, EHN.D, EHZ.D for the...
Seismic traces recorded by station MZ096
Seismic traces in binary MiniSeed format recorded by station MZ096. The daily records are separated in folders representing the channels: EHE.D, EHN.D, EHZ.D for the...
Seismic traces recorded by station MZ097
Seismic traces in binary MiniSeed format recorded by station MZ097. The daily records are separated in folders representing the channels: EHE.D, EHN.D, EHZ.D for the...
Seismic traces recorded by station MZ098
Seismic traces in binary MiniSeed format recorded by station MZ098. The daily records are separated in folders representing the channels: EHE.D, EHN.D, EHZ.D for the...
Seismic traces recorded by station MZ099
Seismic traces in binary MiniSeed format recorded by station MZ099. The daily records are separated in folders representing the channels: EHE.D, EHN.D, EHZ.D for the...