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Earth-Prints rp01029 
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ORCID 0000-0002-1071-3958 
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ScopusID (Elsevier) 6603526923 


  • Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Italy - ROR 00qps9a02

2 dataset trovati

Licenze: Creative Commons Attribuzione Co-autori: PRIVITERA Eugenio

Risultato del Filtro
  • Temporal evolution of local seismicity in the island of Vulcano, Italy, in 19...

    Tipo Dataset Classe Dati Sismologici e Infrasonici (terrestri e marini)

    Versione 1 Data di rilascio Gennaio 1, 2022, 00:00 (UTC)

    Autore FALSAPERLA Susanna

    The dataset covers the time span from January 1 to December 31, 1988. It encompasses three classes of seismic events recorded on the island of Vulcano, in Italy. Here the local...

  • Tectonic seismicity with M >= 1.8 at the island of Vulcano, Italy, from July ...

    Tipo Dataset Classe Dati Sismologici e Infrasonici (terrestri e marini)

    Versione 1 Data di rilascio Gennaio 1, 2021, 00:00 (UTC)

    Autore FALSAPERLA Susanna

    The catalogue covers the time span from July 1 to September 30, 1988. It lists earthquakes with magnitude greater than/equal to 1.8 located onshore and in the sea within circa 5...