BARBA Salvatore
Bollettino Sismico Italiano (BSI)
The Italian Seismic Bulletin (BSI) is the catalog of parameters of hypocentral locations and magnitudes of seismic events recorded by stations of the National Seismic Network...
Database of Individual Seismogenic Sources (DISS), version 3.0.2
DISS is a georeferenced repository of tectonic, fault and paleoseismological information. The core objects of DISS are: - the individual seismogenic source, a simplified and...
Database of Individual Seismogenic Sources (DISS), version 3.0.3
DISS is a georeferenced repository of tectonic, fault and paleoseismological information. The core objects of DISS are: - the individual seismogenic source, a simplified and...
Database of Individual Seismogenic Sources (DISS), version 3.0.4
DISS is a georeferenced repository of tectonic, fault and paleoseismological information. The core objects of DISS are: - the individual seismogenic source, a simplified and...
Database of Individual Seismogenic Sources (DISS), version 3.1.0
DISS is a georeferenced repository of tectonic, fault and paleoseismological information. The core objects of DISS are: - the individual seismogenic source, a simplified and...
Database of Individual Seismogenic Sources (DISS), version 3.1.1
DISS is a georeferenced repository of tectonic, fault and paleoseismological information. The core objects of DISS are: - the individual seismogenic source, a simplified and...
Database of Individual Seismogenic Sources (DISS), version 3.2.0
DISS is a georeferenced repository of tectonic, fault and paleoseismological information. The core objects of DISS are: - the individual seismogenic source, a simplified and...
Pericolosità sismica di riferimento per il territorio nazionale MPS04
Seismic hazard values are expressed in terms of maximum horizontal component of the expected ground shaking (ag=fraction of gravity acceleration) with 10% probability of...
Valori di Mmax, di b, completezze. Dati di ingresso per la redazione di MPS04
The dataset contains some parameters assessed for the computation of the MPS04 seismic hazard model of Italy. The file contains 3 sheets: i) Mmax values (and relevant...
Zonazione sismogenetica ZS9
ZS9 is a seismic source model for Italy to be used as an input for country-wide probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA) in the frame of the compilation of the national...