Global Ocean Climatology - Temperature and Salinity Climatology V1
The SDC_GLO_CLIM_TS_V1 product contains two different monthly climatologies for temperature and salinity, SDC_GLO_CLIM_TS_V1_1 and SDC_GLO_CLIM_TS_V1_2 from the World Ocean Data...
High resolution climatologies of temperature and salinity of the North Adriat...
The EMODNET_NADR_CLIM_TS_V1 product contains Temperature and Salinity climatological fields for the Northern Adriatic Sea. Monthly and seasonal fields are released for periods...
Mediterranean Sea - Temperature and salinity Historical Data Collection SeaDa...
SDC_MED_DATA_TS_V2 SeaDataCloud Temperature and Salinity data collection for the Mediterranean Sea contains all open access temperature and salinity in situ data retrieved from...
Mediterranean Sea Reconstruction Reanalysis (MED RR)
The Mediterranean Sea Reconstruction and Reanalysis data set (RR) spans the time period 1955-2015 has been developed by INGV within the framework of NEXTDATA project and...
Mediterranean Sea physical reanalysis (MEDREA)
The MyOcean-CMEMS Mediterranean Sea reanalysis (MEDREA) system developed by INGV comprises an Ocean General Circulation Model based on Nucleos for European Modelling of the...
Organic carbon (OC), total nitrogen (TN), carbon isotope ratio (δ13C) in sedi...
Pialassa Baiona is a temperate coastal lagoon connected with the Northwestern Adriatic Sea (44° 280 N and 44°310 E). Sediment cores and surface sediments were collected in two...
Reprocessed of XBT dataset in the Ligurian and Tyrrhenian seas (1999-2019)
The REP_XBT_1999_2019 dataset comes from an improved and fully automatic quality control procedure applied to all available raw data and metadata from XBT probes samples and...
Reprocessed of XBT dataset in the Ligurian and Tyrrhenian seas (1999-2019)
The REP_XBT_1999_2019 dataset comes from an improved and fully automatic quality control procedure applied to all available raw data and metadata from XBT probes samples and...
SeaDataCloud Mediterranean Sea - Ocean Heat Content 1955-2018
The SDC_MED_DP2 product contains sliding decadal temperature fields for the Mediterranean Sea in the layer 0-2000m covering the time period 1955-2018 and OHC annual anomaly...
SeaDataCloud Mediterranean Sea - V2 Temperature and Salinity Climatology
The SDC_MED_CLIM_TS_V2 product contains Temperature and Salinity Climatologies for Mediterranean Sea: monthly and seasonal fields for time periods 1955-2018, 1955-1984 and...
Temperature profiles from eXpandable BathyTermograph (XBT) collected in Decem...
The MX04_MACMAP_02 datasets have been gathered during the monitoring campaigns of sea temperature in the Ligurian and Tyrrhenian Seas started in September 2021 within the MACMAP...
Temperature profiles from eXpandable BathyTermograph (XBT) collected in Decem...
The MX04_MACMAP_06 datasets have been gathered during the monitoring campaigns of sea temperature in the Ligurian and Tyrrhenian Seas started in September 2021 within the MACMAP...
Temperature profiles from eXpandable BathyTermograph (XBT) collected in Decem...
The MX04_MACMAP_10 datasets have been gathered during the monitoring campaigns of sea temperature in the Ligurian and Tyrrhenian Seas started in September 2021 within the MACMAP...
Temperature profiles from eXpandable BathyTermograph (XBT) collected in June ...
The MX04_MACMAP_04 datasets have been gathered during the monitoring campaigns of sea temperature in the Ligurian and Tyrrhenian Seas started in September 2021 within the MACMAP...
Temperature profiles from eXpandable BathyTermograph (XBT) collected in June ...
The MX04_MACMAP_08 datasets have been gathered during the monitoring campaigns of sea temperature in the Ligurian and Tyrrhenian Seas started in September 2021 within the MACMAP...
Temperature profiles from eXpandable BathyTermograph (XBT) collected in June ...
The MX04_MACMAP_12 datasets have been gathered during the monitoring campaigns of sea temperature in the Ligurian and Tyrrhenian Seas started in September 2021 within the MACMAP...
Temperature profiles from eXpandable BathyTermograph (XBT) collected in March...
The MX04_MACMAP_03 datasets have been gathered during the monitoring campaigns of sea temperature in the Ligurian and Tyrrhenian Seas started in September 2021 within the MACMAP...
Temperature profiles from eXpandable BathyTermograph (XBT) collected in March...
The MX04_MACMAP_07 datasets have been gathered during the monitoring campaigns of sea temperature in the Ligurian and Tyrrhenian Seas started in September 2021 within the MACMAP...
Temperature profiles from eXpandable BathyTermograph (XBT) collected in March...
The MX04_MACMAP_11 datasets have been gathered during the monitoring campaigns of sea temperature in the Ligurian and Tyrrhenian Seas started in September 2021 within the MACMAP...
Temperature profiles from eXpandable BathyTermograph (XBT) collected in Septe...
The MX04_MACMAP_01 datasets have been gathered during the monitoring campaigns of sea temperature in the Ligurian and Tyrrhenian Seas started in September 2021 within the MACMAP...