LA PIANA Carmelo

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Earth-Prints rp01377 
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ORCID 0000-0002-0631-2422 
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  • Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Italy - ROR 00qps9a02

3 dataset trovati

Risultato del Filtro
  • Pollino Broad-Band Near Fault Observatory (2022-2033), Southern Italy

    Tipo Dataset Classe Dati Sismologici e Infrasonici (terrestri e marini)

    Data di rilascio Gennaio 1, 2022, 00:00 (UTC)

    Autori CHIARABBA Claudio COSTANZO Antonio DE GORI Pasquale DEL GAUDIO Pierdomenico FALCONE Sergio FONZETTI Rossella GERVASI Anna GOVONI Aladino LA PIANA Carmelo LUCENTE Francesco Pio MENICHELLI Irene MORETTI Milena PASSARELLI Luigi PEZZO Giuseppe

    In the EPOS by the PON GRINT, will consist of 10 semi-permanent broadband seismic stations to record the seismic signals from the set of faults present in the area. The network...

  • Urban Seismic Network (RUSN-CAL-INGV) - Real time Urban Seismic Network manag...

    Tipo Dataset Classe Dati Sismologici e Infrasonici (terrestri e marini)

    Data di rilascio Aprile 14, 2022, 00:00 (UTC)

    Autori COSTANZO Antonio FALCONE Sergio LA PIANA Carmelo CASERTA Arrigo DOUMAZ Fawzi BUONGIORNO Maria Fabrizia D'ALESSANDRO Antonino VITALE Giovanni SCUDERO Salvatore SPECIALE Stefano

    Real-time Urban Seismic Network managed by the Calabrian headquarters of INGV. Seismic stations are deployed to monitor urban areas, critical infrastructures and cultural...

  • Seismic Data acquired by FocusX temporary land-network (FXland), Southern Italy

    Tipo Dataset Classe Dati Sismologici e Infrasonici (terrestri e marini)

    Data di rilascio Novembre 22, 2021, 00:00 (UTC)

    Autori MORETTI Milena MARGHERITI Lucia ALPARONE Salvatore Claudio COSTANZO Antonio LA ROCCA Mario MURPHY Shane GUTSCHER Marc-Andre Focus Working Group

    In the frame of FocusX project INGV and UNiCal are deploying, from the end of 2021 to January 2023 a temporary seismic network for an active/passive seismological experiment to...