BARBANO Maria Serafina
Catalogo Macrosismico dei Terremoti Etnei (CMTE)
The first release of the historical catalogue of Mt. Etna earthquake (CMTE) was published in 2000, and since then it is regularly updated. The catalogue lists 1810 earthquakes...
Catalogo Parametrico dei Terremoti Italiani (CPTI99)
With the publication in 1985 of the Catalogue of Italian earthquakes from the year 1000 to 1980 of the Progetto Finalizzato Geodinamica, curated by Daniele Postpischl, a...
Il terremoto etneo del 26 dicembre 2018, Mw4.9: rilievo degli effetti macrosi...
Macroseismic field survey for the 26th December 2018 earthquake, Mount Etna, performed by the QUEST team
Rapporto sugli effetti del terremoto aquilano del 6 aprile 2009
Macroseismic field survey for the 6 April 2009 earthquake, Aquilano, performed by the QUEST team