ZIRIZZOTTI Achille Emanuele
Geomagnetic INGV dataset (GEOMAG), dati degli osservatori geomagnetici italiani
This collection includes the geomagnetic data generated since 2017 at Italian geomagnetic observatories and Antarctic observatories and stations. Data are previsional in an...
IRES Italian Radio Echo Sounding
IRES: Italian Radio Echo Sounding (RES) is a data repository of radar data and GIS, Geographic Information System database containing RES data from radar glaciology, flight...
Low Frequency Antenna for Glaciers
This dataset contains the simulated results of the low frequency bent antenna. The data is gererated using HFSS and ADS
geomag /castello tesino/ yearbook / 2017
Castello Tesino observatory (IAGA code: CTS), established in 1964, is one of the three geomagnetic observatories in Italy operated and maintained by the Istituto...
geomag /castello tesino/ yearbook / 2018
Castello Tesino observatory (IAGA code: CTS), established in 1964, is one of the three geomagnetic observatories in Italy operated and maintained by the Istituto...
geomag /castello tesino/ yearbook / 2019
Castello Tesino observatory (IAGA code: CTS), established in 1964, is one of the three geomagnetic observatories in Italy operated and maintained by the Istituto...
geomag /castello tesino/ yearbook / 2020
Castello Tesino observatory (IAGA code: CTS), established in 1964, is one of the three geomagnetic observatories in Italy operated and maintained by the Istituto...
geomag /castello tesino/ yearbook / 2021
Castello Tesino observatory (IAGA code: CTS), established in 1964, is one of the three geomagnetic observatories in Italy operated and maintained by the Istituto...
geomag /castello tesino/ yearbook / 2022
Castello Tesino observatory (IAGA code: CTS), established in 1964, is one of the three geomagnetic observatories in Italy operated and maintained by the Istituto...
geomag /duronia/ yearbook / 2015
Duronia observatory is one of the three geomagnetic observatories in Italy operated and mantained by Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia(INGV). The...
geomag /duronia/ yearbook / 2016
Duronia observatory is one of the three geomagnetic observatories in Italy operated and mantained by Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia(INGV). The...
geomag /duronia/ yearbook / 2017
Duronia observatory is one of the three geomagnetic observatories in Italy operated and mantained by Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia(INGV). The...
geomag /duronia/ yearbook / 2018
Duronia observatory is one of the three geomagnetic observatories in Italy operated and mantained by Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia(INGV). The...
geomag /duronia/ yearbook / 2019
Duronia observatory is one of the three geomagnetic observatories in Italy operated and mantained by Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia(INGV). The...
geomag /duronia/ yearbook / 2020
Duronia observatory is one of the three geomagnetic observatories in Italy operated and mantained by Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia(INGV). The...
geomag /duronia/ yearbook / 2021
Duronia observatory is one of the three geomagnetic observatories in Italy operated and mantained by Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcnologia (INGV). The observatory is...
geomag /duronia/ yearbook / 2022
Duronia observatory is one of the three operative geomagnetic observatories located in central Italy. Since 2007 it is mantained by Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e...
geomag /lampedusa/ yearbook / 2019
Lampedusa observatory (IAGA code: LMP), established in 2005 is one of the three geomagnetic observatories in Italy, operated and mantained by Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica...
geomag /lampedusa/ yearbook / 2020
Lampedusa observatory (IAGA code: LMP), established in 2005 is one of the three geomagnetic observatories in Italy, operated and mantained by Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e...
geomag /lampedusa/ yearbook / 2021
Lampedusa observatory (IAGA code: LMP), established in 2005 is one of the three geomagnetic observatories in Italy, operated and mantained by Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e...