Chemical-physical parameters, major, minor, trace elements, isotope determinations (D/H and 18O/16O), dissolved gases, helium isotope and d13CTDC (TDC = total dissolved carbon) composition of groundwater from 8 wells island of Salina (Aeolian arc, Italy).

Tipo Dataset Classe Dati Geochimici (analisi geochimiche di rocce, acque e gas)

Regional (continents, Oceans) Geochemical Prospection , Thermal Water, Water-Rock-Interaction.

Geochemical prospection has been a useful tool to understanding the fluid circulating processes over the volcanic island of Salina. The geochemical results have highlighted the existence of reservoirs of both fresh and thermal water although only a few natural manifestations, mainly occurring in submarine environment, provide clues of their existence. The thermal waters, collected at a temperature of 32-36°C, show a typical marine recharge with equilibrium temperatures estimated to be in the range of 120-160°C. As matter of fact, the small island holds relatively large reservoirs of both fresh and thermal waters. The geochemical features of the circulating fluids are driven by water-rock and gas-water interaction processes, while the heat supplied to the geothermal reservoir comes from volcanic rocks that are still cooling down after the end of the last volcanic activity supposed to be not older than 13ky. The collected results allowed us to recognize the contemporary presence of high-temperature geothermal fluids and cold, fresh, waters which geochemical features mark the occurrence of Gas-Water (GWI) and Water-Rock Interaction (WRI) processes responsible for the chemical and isotopic composition of the waters and the dissolved gases. Records include:Chemical-physical parameters, major, minor, trace elements, isotope (D/H and 18O/16O), dissolved gases, helium isotope and d13CTDC (TDC = total dissolved carbon) composition of groundwater from 8 wells island of Salina (Aeolian arc Italy).

Data e Risorse

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Formati di codifica dei dati disponibili xlsx

Nome campo Valore
Versione 1.0
Identificativo del dataset (DOI) 10.26022/ieda/111752
Altro identificativo Codice: ingv_656
Gestore del codice: INGV
Temi del dataset Scienza e tecnologia
Editore del Dataset Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA)
Data di rilascio 01-01-2020
Data di modifica 17-05-2022
Copertura Geografica Area di competenza dell'unità organizzativa preposta
URI di GeoNames Non disponibile
Lingue del dataset italiano
Estensione temporale Non disponibile
Titolare Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
ROR 00qps9a02
IPA ingv
Frequenza di aggiornamento mai
Versione di Non disponibile
Spatial extent {"type": "MultiPoint","coordinates": [[14.8672,38.5395],[14.8691,38.5426],[14.8716,38.56],[14.8728,38.565],[14.8724,38.5662],[14.8724,38.5667],[14.8382,38.5771],[14.8339,38.5794]]}
Autori MORICI Sabina
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Italy
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Italy
CARUSO Cinzia Giuseppina
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Italy
ITALIANO Francesco
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Italy
MAUGERI Salvatore Roberto
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Italy

Progetti finanziatori

  • INGV-DPC V5 2005-2007
    Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri - Dipartimento della Protezione Civile (DPC)
    [ 2005-01-06 ⇒ 2007-07-31 ]

Schema dati