Ground Deformation Maps Of The Visso And Norcia 2016 Earthquakes Captured From Sentinel-1 Sar

Tipo Dataset Classe Dati di Telerilevamento

Norcia Earthquake, Dinsar, Los Deformation, Sentinel-1

The dataset contains the Line Of Sight (LOS) deformation maps obtained by applying Differential SAR Interferometry (DinSAR) to Sentinel-1 Interferometric Wide-swath (or TOPSAR) imagery.nnTwo maps are provided: the first maps is the LOS deformation estimated from ascending data, the second map is the LOS deformation from descending images.nnMaps are expressed in metres and are provided in raster geotiff format.nnData have been processed with GAMMA Interferometric processor.nnAscending data details:nnSAR pairs are dated 2016/10/27 and 2016/11/02, acquired on relative orbit number 44, by Sentinel-1B and Sentinel-1A, respectively.nnThe DEM used for removing the topographic phase is the SRTM 1 arc second. The interferogram has been generated by applying a 1x5 multi-look factor in azimuth and range, respectively.nnFinal product has been geocoded in UTM WGS84 33 Nord projection, with a posting of 20 m.nnDescending data details:nnSAR pairs are dated 2016/10/26 and 2016/11/01, acquired on relative orbit number 22, by Sentinel-1B and Sentinel-1A, respectively.nnThe DEM used for removing the topographic phase is the SRTM 1 arc second. The interferogram has been generated by applying a 2x10 multi-look factor in azimuth and range, respectively.nnFinal product has been geocoded in UTM WGS84 33 Nord projection, with a posting of 40 m.

Data e Risorse

Questo dataset non ha dati

Citare come

Bignami C. (2017). Ground Deformation Maps Of The Visso And Norcia 2016 Earthquakes Captured From Sentinel-1 Sar [Data set]. Zenodo.

Formati di codifica dei dati disponibili tif, tiff

Nome campo Valore
Identificativo del dataset (DOI) 10.5281/zenodo.545818
Altro identificativo Codice: ingv_736
Gestore del codice: INGV
Temi del dataset Scienza e tecnologia
Editore del Dataset Zenodo
Data di rilascio 12-04-2017
Data di modifica 22-03-2022
Copertura Geografica Area di competenza dell'unità organizzativa preposta
URI di GeoNames Non disponibile
Lingue del dataset italiano
Estensione temporale Non disponibile
Titolare Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
ROR 00qps9a02
IPA ingv
Frequenza di aggiornamento mai
Versione di Non disponibile
Spatial extent {"type": "MultiPolygon","coordinates": [[[ [12.758,43.14], [13.767,43.14], [13.767,42.4992], [12.758,42.4992], [12.758,43.14] ]]]}
Autore BIGNAMI Christian
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Italy

Schema dati