Volcanic gas emissions along the Colombian Arc Segment of the Northern Volcanic Zone (CAS-NVZ)
Regional (continents, Oceans) Arc Volcanism; Volcanic Gas Composition; Volatile Fluxes; Volatile Recycling; Along-Arc Co2/st And Sediment Composition.
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Questo dataset non ha dati
Citare come
Lages J., Chacón Z., Burbano, V., Meza, L., Arellano S., Liuzzo M., Giudice G., Aiuppa A., Bitetto M., López C. (2019). Volcanic gas emissions along the Colombian Arc Segment of the Northern Volcanic Zone (CAS-NVZ) (Version 1.0) [Data set]. Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA). https://doi.org/10.1594/ieda/111393
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