
The portal can be cited as follow

INGV Data Management Office (2020). INGV Open Data Registry, the metadata catalogue of the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia. Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV).

This site is part of the activities which have been planned for the implementation of the Data Policy adopted by the INGV in 2018 and led by the INGV Data Management Office.

The drafting of the Institutional Data Policy had been handled already by the “PoliDat”, a working group which has been operating between 2015 and 2018 and composed of Giuseppe Puglisi (coordinator), Roberto Basili, Anna Grazia Chiodetti, Antonella Cianchi, Massimiliano Drudi, Carmela Freda, Mario Locati, Maurizio Pignone and Agata Sangianantoni.

The design and implementation of the portal refers to the guidelines issued by the Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale (Digital Agency for Italy; AgID) and in particular to the “National Guidelines for the Enhancement of Public Information Assets” and the "Guidelines for data catalogs". For many aspects of the metadata structure, the group has been inspired by the schemes published by DataCite. For the metadating according to the ISO 19115/19139 standard, the indications contained in the manual of the National Repertoire of Territorial Data (RNDT) have been adopted.

The metadata accompanying each data published on the portal is handled directly by the respective Scientific and Technological Managers, as defined in the INGV Data Policy Implementation Document. At the time of the first opening of the portal in October 2020, there are over 250 people enabled to manage metadata, describing 147 datasets attributable to about 400 authors, of which 78% work (or have worked) at INGV and about 500 different contributors, of which 80% work (or have worked) at INGV.

The publication of data in the portal undergoes three levels of control.

The first level of technical and regulatory compliance control is carried out by the Data Management Office, in particular by the coordinator and by the contact person of the INGV Department to whom the validated data refer to. At the time of this writing the Data Management Office is composed as follows:

  • Mario Locati, coordinator
  • Francesco Mele, contact person for the Earthquake Department
  • Placido Montalto, contact person for the Volcanoes Department
  • Vincenzo Romano, contact person for the Environment Department

The intermediate scientific / management approval is by the Section Directors to whom the authors of each validated data refer; currently the INGV is divided into: National Earthquake Observatory (ONT), Vesuvian Observatory (OV) and Etneo Observatory (OE), Rome 1, Rome 2, Palermo, Bologna, Pisa and Milan Sections.

Final approval is by the Department Director or Directors to whom the validated data refer: the “Earthquakes”, the “Volcanoes” or the “Environment” Department.

The web portal was developed using only software released under an Open Source license. In particular:

The people involved in the web portal design and development were:

  • Mario Locati, supervising portal development, and the structure of the database that makes up the Data Registry and the metadata editor for use by INGV staff;
  • Alessio Cimarelli (Dataninja srls) and Davide Taibi (Dataninja collaborator) for the development and customisation of the code based on CKAN-Italy and the development of the metadata transfer system from the platform for internal use of the Data Registry, to the customised instance of CKAN-Italy;
  • Valentino Lauciani and Roberto Vallone, IT representatives of the Data Management Office, for assistance in the development of the portal, in the production of the CKAN instance and in server maintenance;
  • Stefano Cacciaguerra, system assistance for server management;

Gabriele Tarabusi, Maurizio Pignone, Manuela Sbarra, Stefano Vazzoler, Diego Sorrentino, Giuseppe Simeone and the INGV WebGroup also collaborated in the activities.

Portal benefited from the financial contribution of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers - Department of Civil Protection; the web portal, however, does not necessarily reflect the Department's official position and policies.