(Table 3) Recalibration of Eocene-Oligocene diatom datums for ODP Hole 120-74...
(Table 3) Recalibration of Eocene-Oligocene diatom datums for ODP Hole 120-748B on the Kerguelen Plateau, Indian Ocean
(Table 3) Recalibration of Eocene-Oligocene diatom datums for ODP Hole 119-74...
(Table 3) Recalibration of Eocene-Oligocene diatom datums for ODP Hole 119-744A on the Kerguelen Plateau, Indian Ocean
(Table 2) Strontium isotope ratios and age estimations of ODP Hole 120-748B o...
(Table 2) Strontium isotope ratios and age estimations of ODP Hole 120-748B on the Kerguelen Plateau, Indian Ocean
(Table 2) Strontium isotope ratios and age estimations of ODP Hole 119-744A o...
(Table 2) Strontium isotope ratios and age estimations of ODP Hole 119-744A on the Kerguelen Plateau, Indian Ocean
(Table 2) Parameters associated with components identified from IRM unmixing ...
(Table 2) Parameters associated with components identified from IRM unmixing analysist of ODP Hole 119-738B sediments
(Table 1) Measured hysteresis and electron paramagnetic resonance parameters ...
(Table 1) Measured hysteresis and electron paramagnetic resonance parameters for ODP Hole 119-738B sediments
(Table 1) Depth ranges of calcareous nannofossil datums from ODP Hole 113-690B
(Table 1) Depth ranges of calcareous nannofossil datums from ODP Hole 113-690B
(Table 1) Depth ranges of calcareous nannofossil datums from ODP Hole 113-689B
(Table 1) Depth ranges of calcareous nannofossil datums from ODP Hole 113-689B
Relative geomagnetic paleointensity from the Jaramillo Subchron to the Matuya...
Paleomagnetic and rock magnetic data for core LC07 (Mediterranean Sea)
Chronostratigraphy of sediment core CRP-2/2A
The 624.15 m glaciomarine sedimentary succession recovered in the CRP-2/2A drillcore comprises lower Oligocene (1000 m/m.y.). Between 306.65 mbsf and the bottom of the drillcore...